Grace under pressure…

As all presenters know, it’s easier said than done. The feelings that most people have before presenting, whether described as butterflies in your stomach or pure panic, can often keep us from portraying that grace.

Having a better understanding of what is happening inside your body can help you harness the power of your nervous system – and find that elusive grace.

When under stress, adrenaline and cortisol are released in the body, and our sympathetic nervous system kicks into high gear. Think of it like pressing on the gas pedal in your car. Whenever we participate in high energy activities – from those that make us excited to ones that terrify us – our body releases more adrenaline and our system “moves faster.”

Luckily for us, we can exercise control over our inner state of being, in lots of ways. Practicing our presentation helps control the amount of “fuel” that is released when we get up in front of the room. Deep, diaphragmatic breathing exercises also work well to control your heart rate. Calming endorphins are also released during these breathing exercises. Try deep “belly” breaths and exhale long and slowly. This will help your nervous system to lower your blood pressure and slow your heart rate.

Here’s how to breathe from your diaphragm:

  • Get comfortable.
  • Place one hand on your stomach. It should rise and fall as you breathe deeply.
  • Take deep breaths in through your nose.
  • Release long slow exhales through your mouth.

Check out our previous blog, 4 Ways to Manage Nervousness, for some additional tools to stay mentally calm and harness your body’s innate energies to deliver an even more dynamic talk.